
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Finding Motivation

Although I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on what food my body works best on, I am always struggling for the right motivation.  Is it to be skinny, look hot, be strong, have more energy, etc?  I go back to my Core Desired Feelings from Danielle Laporte.  My five are to feel clear, connected, strong, supported, free and energized.  This is true and it is fairly motivating.  But when faced with a red velvet cookie from Safeway, telling myself that I want to feel clear, connected, strong, supported, free and energized does not keep the cookie from my mouth.  I think you need to have that one thing- that image, that word, that motivational thought- ready for those emergency moments.  For some people it's the thought of their children or spouse, or a disease that they have that they are fighting.  I'm still working on mine, but right now what's working quite nicely is that I want to be a role model.  I want to live the life I talk about.  I don't want to talk about how awesome paleo/primal is for you while buttering up a thick slice of bread.  I want to be an example of healthy eating, healthy living, healthy and playful exercise.  I want to show others that it doesn't have to be that hard.  
The cool thing is, it actually seems to do it for me, at least for now.  When offered a delicious, home-baked brownie in the office, I momentarily had a flash of wanting to be a role model for this woman.  And I said no.  Easily and without guilt.  I want to walk the walk for this woman who I have conversed so often with about our ideas of healthy food.  I'm not sure if this will work forever, but it seems strong to me.  It speaks of serving others.  It feels like a better reason than having a flat stomach.
What about you?  Do you have something you remind yourself or (or try to) before deciding to take that bite of delicious processed junk?  Comment below!

This quote below is the "Comment of the Day" on a Marks Daily Apple blog.  Freaking hilarious.  And helpful.
"Imagine you’re at a friend’s house enjoying a piece of homemade cake. It’s absolutely delicious, the best you’ve ever eaten. You ask the friend for the recipe. The friend lists the ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, eggs. Then the friend adds, “Oh yeah, and pee. I peed in the cake batter before baking the cake.” You immediately put down your fork. Just a moment ago it was the tastiest cake you ever ate. Now you don’t want to take another bite. The next time your friend serves cake you don’t take any. Even if everyone around you is eating the cake and saying how great it tastes you don’t need any special will power to avoid it. You simply don’t want it because you know what’s in it.
The next time you pick up a package of some highly processed food, look at the ingredient list. It’s pee cake. Just walk away.
 Read more:"

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