
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bring it back, Baby!

Wow, so I fell of the proverbial wagon a bit.  The first thirty days of paleo were fantastic and then I started to reintroduce a few items.  Then I went way overboard on my "cheat" days.  I can certainly tell that dairy foods make my stomach cramp up.  I can tell immediately when I've had something highly processed, my stomach is not a fan.  For better or for worse, McDonald's does not taste good to me anymore.  I can taste the fakeness of it.  I am so in love with meat and vegetables of all kinds, especially since I am no longer scared to use enough olive oil and coconut oil.  I used to hold back and only use a tiny bit back when I was counting calories.  Now I use the right amount, the food is great, I am full, etc. 
For the past couple of weeks I have been drinking a lot of wine and snacking on a lot of grains.  Not a terrible thing, I didn't gain a whole bunch of weight or anything.  But I can tell that I am more bloated.  I feel less energetic.  I feel how it affects my body.  So I am going back to 100% paleo until March 31.  That's Nathan's birthday, and it's a 23 day total of going back to eating really simply.  This should help as I transition from being a kickboxing member to being a member of the Y.  I am so excited to take a yoga class soon. 

1 comment:

Serrissa said...

McDonald's is really gross. I can't believe how many big macs I used to eat from 1996-2006! I have only had two from 2007-2011 and they really aren't good.