
Saturday, February 5, 2011

And life goes on....

Kept Paleo yesterday and paleo for breakfast this morning.  Nathan brought home sausage, biscuits and gravy to make.  I made it, and made myself eggs with spinach and salsa.  Did not miss the other breakfast at all.  And I feel so full right now, still.  It is a fantastic thing to eat a big breakfast and stay full.  Too many times I've had monstrous breakfasts of pancakes of french toast or oatmeal or toast and butter and an hour later, I was hungry again!  I know you know what I'm talking about.  Not starving, but you want more!  It doesn't satisfy for long.  Well, I have to get used to being full all day.  It's pretty awesome.  Sometimes I'll look at the clock and think, I should be hungry, cause it's such and such a time of day.  I have to slow myself down and do a body scan.  Ever heard of HALT?  Check to see if you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.  I also add Thirsty.  Sometimes I could just use a cool drink to satisfy.  So, no real cravings to give in.  It's freeing to be able to make the choice now.  Before I refused on principle, because of the challenge and all.  Now I get to decide, do I really want that?  Maybe, maybe not.  I may have some dark chocolate later today.  I bought pretzels and dark chocolate before the challenge began to make chocolate covered pretzels.  I'll make some of those later today for Nathan and dip a few strawberries and maybe some banana slices in there for me.  Guaruntee Nathan will want some too.  Does the thought not make you drool a little?  I'll have to take some pictures and display for next time.

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