Well, pizza will do it. I was doing great, but had pizza for dinner two nights in a row. It's not the pizza itself that was the problem, but the amount of pizza. I have a difficult time regulating myself in the pizza department. So, I went up a pound. But, I went to lunch with coworkers on Monday and got a salad and water and had 3 of the garlic bread things they give out. Not bad for going out. Today group supervision is at a restaurant and after writing this I'm going to go to the website and figure out what I want before I get there, so I'm prepared.
Right now the kids are on spring break, so I'm doing a lot of office work. That means a lot more sitting around than usual. I'm going to try to go on walks around campus every couple of hours to get my blood moving. Tomorrow is a holiday- Prince Kuhio Day. I'm going to try to talk Nate into a hike and then hopefully this weekend Ananda and Keysa will want to hike something longer than usual.
I've been keeping busy doing arts and crafts around the house, finishing up some projects that I started a long time ago. When my hands are busy I'm less likely to snack. Although yesterday Nate cut up a pear and put out slices of smoked gouda. That is such a tasty snack. It helped that I was staining wood, because my hands were dirty and every time I wanted to eat more I had to go wash my hands off, so I didn't go back for more as often.
This blog is for me to impart my vast knowledge and life experience onto others. Okay, really just a place for me to write about myself, where others can read along if they like. Most likely, it'll just be me and my blogger.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Slowly, But Surely
The scale is moving down slowly but surely. Even with my drinking setback this weekend. It's so hard not to have a glass of wine when your friends are over. Then of course, I ate too much because we were barbecuing, but the scale still went down a little because I've been working out. I couldn't go to kickboxing class yesterday, but I'm going tonight and Thursday.
I've been listening to this book on CD, "The Flight of the Phoenix" and it's so sad. It's almost painful to listen to, but I want to because it's a good story. I want to go back and listen to the end right now, but I can't because I'm at work. I even know how it ends and I can't stay away.
I changed out my old garbage disposal this weekend. I had a few people over to help. We kind of took turns changing different parts and making sure that it went in correctly. All in all it went well, with only a few minor issues. I even got to buy a hacksaw so I could cut the piping to the correct measurement. Good times. Now I know how they go in if anybody needs any help.
I've been listening to this book on CD, "The Flight of the Phoenix" and it's so sad. It's almost painful to listen to, but I want to because it's a good story. I want to go back and listen to the end right now, but I can't because I'm at work. I even know how it ends and I can't stay away.
I changed out my old garbage disposal this weekend. I had a few people over to help. We kind of took turns changing different parts and making sure that it went in correctly. All in all it went well, with only a few minor issues. I even got to buy a hacksaw so I could cut the piping to the correct measurement. Good times. Now I know how they go in if anybody needs any help.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
All is Not Lost
Well, surprisingly enough I got on the scale this morning and it read 142 and was pushing over to 143. That's kind of nice since I ate terribly this past week. I was fully expecting to have gained weight and was thinking it would hit 146 at least. So back to the grind today, I started off right, ate my eggs this morning, had a snack at 10 and half a sandwich at 12. I have a snack set aside for 2 and 4. Then kickboxing tonight. I am still going to weigh myself Saturday morning to have a reminder halfway through the week. I'm glad I don't have to start over this week.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Broken Promises
Well, sometimes there's just no good excuse for my behavior. I think it started with allowing myself to drink on Saturday. Not because I shouldn't be drinking, but because I made a promise and didn't stick to it. I don't know what happens mentally, I haven't done any research, but I think we all have been there whether it's with dieting or exercise or some kind of New Year's resolution. We stick to our guns for a good amount of time and then slip a little. But then we don't bounce back. Instead we just let that initial slip steam roll us until not only have you been to a wine tasting, but you've eaten 4 cheesecake rollovers and two handfuls of Bugles. All as an appetizer to a full meal at the barbecue area. Then to top it off, you decide not to exercise at all, instead you sit around and think about what else you can eat. Yikes. I'm sitting here tonight thinking about some of my poorer decisions starting on Saturday. And of course, I'm writing about not exercising and not exactly getting up to fix that.
Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm sure I'm not going to be happy with it. At least it stimulates me to want to be healthy. I was thinking that I should do a twice weekly weigh in, because I'm not constantly worrying about the scale, but then it also gets me back on track before I get out of control. I'm thinking Tuesday and Saturday. I'm going to try that this week and report.
At least work is going a little easier. It took about a year, but I'm understanding what is expected of me in my position, what the paperwork entails, and what other people need from me. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming because you can never really perfect it, but I feel like I am getting a handle on it much better. Plus I can look forward to the kids being on Spring Break starting March 24. And right after that Mom comes out to visit.
I still have some time to perfect my healthy eating and get some rock hard abs from all the workouts I'll be doing before Theresa and Shane's wedding. I figure I might start wearing bathing suits again around that time, so it's a good goal.
This week- Kickboxing Tuesday and Thursday. Walk the dogs on the beach on Wednesday after work. Friday off. Saturday- walk with Ananda or by myself. I gotta just suck it up and go for a walk on my own and stop being such a baby. Sunday- walk again or home DVD workout. Monday Kickboxing.
I've been drinking tons of water, so I did meet one of my goals from this week. This next week I'm going to work on my after work snack. Usually I have something in my lunch box to eat on the way home because I'm generally hungry again by that time, but then I still want to eat when I get home. So I need to plan for this and having something very small in the car and have something waiting for me at home so I don't go scrounging for chips or crackers.
Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm sure I'm not going to be happy with it. At least it stimulates me to want to be healthy. I was thinking that I should do a twice weekly weigh in, because I'm not constantly worrying about the scale, but then it also gets me back on track before I get out of control. I'm thinking Tuesday and Saturday. I'm going to try that this week and report.
At least work is going a little easier. It took about a year, but I'm understanding what is expected of me in my position, what the paperwork entails, and what other people need from me. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming because you can never really perfect it, but I feel like I am getting a handle on it much better. Plus I can look forward to the kids being on Spring Break starting March 24. And right after that Mom comes out to visit.
I still have some time to perfect my healthy eating and get some rock hard abs from all the workouts I'll be doing before Theresa and Shane's wedding. I figure I might start wearing bathing suits again around that time, so it's a good goal.
This week- Kickboxing Tuesday and Thursday. Walk the dogs on the beach on Wednesday after work. Friday off. Saturday- walk with Ananda or by myself. I gotta just suck it up and go for a walk on my own and stop being such a baby. Sunday- walk again or home DVD workout. Monday Kickboxing.
I've been drinking tons of water, so I did meet one of my goals from this week. This next week I'm going to work on my after work snack. Usually I have something in my lunch box to eat on the way home because I'm generally hungry again by that time, but then I still want to eat when I get home. So I need to plan for this and having something very small in the car and have something waiting for me at home so I don't go scrounging for chips or crackers.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Back in Action
Last night was the first night that I was able to do a workout without being extra gentle on my toe. It felt great! It makes such a difference when you get a good workout in. I feel so much better about myself today. I don't think I backtracked, but I may have. I did not eat well this week. I am usually more active and when I sit around I tend to snack. I had a really hard time. I also had a two day training and they fed us, buffet-style both days. I did my best, I filled the plate with salad, didn't use their dressings, I just put a little salt on my salad. I did however, feel the need to have soup because they had the A/C on full blast and it was cold. And of course I sampled most of the meat selections they had because it was a pretty fancy place. So it could have been worse, but it was not my best. Oh, also they had ice cream. Again, I did okay because I put the ice cream in a cup instead of their big bowls, but I never eat ice cream for lunch!
So I'm starting over basically, today. I ate a good breakfast that should keep me full til snack time. I packed good sized snacks and Nate and I made a menu for the week. Tonight it's homemade pizza. We bought the little single serving pizza crusts and we're going to add all kinds of ingredients. I like that they are single serving instead of one big one because Nate can add whatever he wants and I can put all vegetables and less cheese and sauce.
My goal is to get back on track for my Tuesday weigh in. That means walking the dogs on the beach tomorrow morning and possibly Sunday as well. I'll try to go for an extended period of time. Maybe I'll get Ananda to do a second walk with me during the day.
I need to plan my snacks and lunch on Saturday and Sunday, drink lots of water, and I should be good to go.
So I'm starting over basically, today. I ate a good breakfast that should keep me full til snack time. I packed good sized snacks and Nate and I made a menu for the week. Tonight it's homemade pizza. We bought the little single serving pizza crusts and we're going to add all kinds of ingredients. I like that they are single serving instead of one big one because Nate can add whatever he wants and I can put all vegetables and less cheese and sauce.
My goal is to get back on track for my Tuesday weigh in. That means walking the dogs on the beach tomorrow morning and possibly Sunday as well. I'll try to go for an extended period of time. Maybe I'll get Ananda to do a second walk with me during the day.
I need to plan my snacks and lunch on Saturday and Sunday, drink lots of water, and I should be good to go.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Weigh In
Well, like I said, I wasn't expecting any miracles. I weighed in at 143 this morning. Not too bad. I didn't really expect for the number to drop. I worked out plenty, but during the daytime I haven't been walking around much and I certainly didn't eat that well this week. So, staying at 143, and not going up to 145 is good. My toe doesn't hurt and it doesn't seem to affect it to walk around any more. I will still be careful and tape it up, but I am not going sit around as much. I try to do a lot of walking at my job, I go to classrooms and pick kids up instead of calling and having them sent to me.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Chocolate Pie
The broken toe was a small setback this week, but I think I recovered pretty quickly. I mean, it's not healed, but I didn't just become a lazy sack either. Thursday I did a DVD home video workout that was pretty good for what I had available. I sweat a little anyway and was a little sore the next day because there was some ballet moves on one DVD that I certainly am not used to. On Saturday I had to skip tennis, I don't think my toe could handle it. But I did another home kickboxing workout. Lots of situps, pushups, and shadow-boxing. I took Sunday off completely. Tonight I went to kickboxing class and found that it was surprisingly easy to be gentle to my toe. The kick that just looked and felt really wimpy was my front kick, but my partner knew about my toe. Anyway, I was feeling really good and came home and Nate offered me a freaking chocolate pie. You know, the store bought kind that will last on the shelf for 30 years, has the pudding in the middle? Yeah. So I split it with him and gave him the bigger half, but still, it was like 240 calories. It's amazing how you can work so hard and then eat 240 calories in, I'd say, about 3 bites.
I'm weighing in tomorrow morning. I'm not expecting any miracles. I didn't drink at all this week, but I didn't get to work out as hard as usual and had a couple of slip ups with some really sugary items.
This week I'm going to try to drink more water. For some reason I drank only about half of my water bottle every day and that's not enough. So more water.
I'm going to take tomorrow off to make sure I don't hurt my toe worse than it is and then Wednesday I'll make Nate walk on the beach with me. On Thursday I have kickboxing class. Hopefully the toe will be healing and I can consider Tennis. Otherwise I'm going to have to buy a workout DVD because the ones I have are not that great and I get bored when I make up my own workout.
I'm weighing in tomorrow morning. I'm not expecting any miracles. I didn't drink at all this week, but I didn't get to work out as hard as usual and had a couple of slip ups with some really sugary items.
This week I'm going to try to drink more water. For some reason I drank only about half of my water bottle every day and that's not enough. So more water.
I'm going to take tomorrow off to make sure I don't hurt my toe worse than it is and then Wednesday I'll make Nate walk on the beach with me. On Thursday I have kickboxing class. Hopefully the toe will be healing and I can consider Tennis. Otherwise I'm going to have to buy a workout DVD because the ones I have are not that great and I get bored when I make up my own workout.
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