
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Started TKD, and I'm loving it.  I finally got my DuBok.  I am starting to learn the techniques.  I have decided on my off days that I am going to start Mike Sisson's Primal Fitness.  It seems very functional.  To track my progress I will look at the five essential moves.  Today I'm doing the self-assessment.
Here's what I did today:
Incline Pushups: 26
Squats: 50 (slow)
Elevated Jack Knife Press: 20 (might do next level next time- it seemed a little easy)
Forearm/Knee Plank and Side Knee Plank: 90sec and 45 sec
Incline Pushups: 27
Squats: 76
Jack Knife Press: 20 (Seemed easy still, so I did 3 Dive Bombers, that's the level I need to do next time)
Forearm/Knee Plank and Side Knee Plank: 150 sec and 60 seconds on the sides.

I didn't realize that I was supposed to go to my max, but duh, of course that's how it works.  So the second round I maxed and definitely should be doing the next level on most of the moves.  I am feeling it though, surprisingly tired already. 
Supposed to do Chair assisted (one leg) pullups, but I don't have a bar.  If I remember to do a few when I walk the dogs later, I'll update this.
Am going to watch my TKD video right now and practice my moves also.  Feeling very primal!

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