
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Up A Pound

Well, pizza will do it. I was doing great, but had pizza for dinner two nights in a row. It's not the pizza itself that was the problem, but the amount of pizza. I have a difficult time regulating myself in the pizza department. So, I went up a pound. But, I went to lunch with coworkers on Monday and got a salad and water and had 3 of the garlic bread things they give out. Not bad for going out. Today group supervision is at a restaurant and after writing this I'm going to go to the website and figure out what I want before I get there, so I'm prepared.
Right now the kids are on spring break, so I'm doing a lot of office work. That means a lot more sitting around than usual. I'm going to try to go on walks around campus every couple of hours to get my blood moving. Tomorrow is a holiday- Prince Kuhio Day. I'm going to try to talk Nate into a hike and then hopefully this weekend Ananda and Keysa will want to hike something longer than usual.
I've been keeping busy doing arts and crafts around the house, finishing up some projects that I started a long time ago. When my hands are busy I'm less likely to snack. Although yesterday Nate cut up a pear and put out slices of smoked gouda. That is such a tasty snack. It helped that I was staining wood, because my hands were dirty and every time I wanted to eat more I had to go wash my hands off, so I didn't go back for more as often.


Serrissa said...

I had pizza too with cheese fries. Oh man I ate so bad this week. I ate out more this week than I have in the last 3 months or more. I had taco bell, mcdonalds, diary queen, pizza, etc! I'm back up to 128.

Serrissa said...

oh and I drank alot in the last two weeks. so my clean and sober days needs to be at 4 days.