Popping Poppers |
Photo Shoot |
I had an awesome Christmas this year, Anna and I skyped with multiple family members and got some crazy awesome gifts. Then did a lot of relaxing over the winter break. Saturday was New Years Eve, in case you didn't know, and that was so much fun! We hiked 2 of the 3 peaks of Olomana, did some photography shoots and tarot card readings on the peak. Had Teddy's Bigger Burgers for our meal after and then headed home to get all dressed up to hang out. We headed to Joanna's where Keysa is house sitting and did lots of drinking and more photography. Nathan set off some poppers and entertained the 5 ladies hanging out. The doggies stayed outside and barked at fireworks going off in the distance. They were just the right amount of drugged so they didn't go totally crazy. I felt kind of bad, but it's better than how scared they get otherwise. Nathan and I dropped off Anna and Ananda downtown, then picked them back up 3 hours later. All in all it was a great end to the year.
Yesterday I woke up pretty tired and cranky and Nathan and I were snippy at each other. Then I took a nap and felt better. But we also started our paleo whole30 challenge yesterday for real. It's not too different for me. Luckily I have practice not having toast when Nathan has toast and can avoid the chocolate in the fridge. Anna does not have such practice under her belt. I feel pretty good, although I am still pretty bloated from my December shenanigans.
Lovely Ladies |
So far so good in 2012! The plan for today is to hike Kaena Point! Will put up some pics if we go!
What kind of nuts/seeds do you eat? I have to put /seeds because what kind of nuts do you eat sounded dirty!
Ha! My favorites are cashews, but I also really love pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds as well as almonds. Macadamia nuts are allowed but they're freaking expensive. Also walnuts, pecans, most other nuts are okay, just not peanuts.
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