Gathering her Strength and Courage for Log Rolling |
Day 7, Log Rolling! Monday was spent with preparation for the bonfire. Much planning occurred on this day. We dismantled the old firepit seating and built what we believed to be a beautiful 3 level piece of art that may or may not burn. We then proceeded to roll newly cut logs (gift of Hurricane Irene and chainsawed by my Dad) up a shortish hill and over to the firepit area for some new seating. It was a hell of a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I think I am going to add the video to my blog, if I remember tonight. Look for it on the side of the homepage.
The Cache of Logs at the Bottom of the Hill |
After a full day of physical labor we rested a bit and waited for Mom to get home. That was a bit unpleasant. We went out and did some more log rolling. Mom was not an active participant. Later in the evening after feeling quite uncomfortable for a good length of time we decided to leave the house for some beers. We had a shout out with Mom, which ended in quite a civil manner and an agreement to hike Overlook after she got off of work on Tuesday. Anna and I left to hit a fabulous tavern called the Dutch Ale House in Saugerties, NY. I had a really great chicken and mozzarella panini and we shared a super yummy salad. I had two Guinness' as well. Then we moved locations to some other bar and had some beers with Anna's longtime friend Robert Horton. I didn't care. I just didn't feel like being home. When we were tired enough we headed home and tucked into Anna's bed to watch an episode of Hoarders. I didn't even make it through the first one. Anna elbowed me when I started open mouthed snoring halfway through the show and kicked me out to my own bed. I tucked in with my 6 blankets and tried to warm up. I did sleep like a baby once warm enough.
Our Multilevel Creation |
Day 8, Overlook. I usually get up to hang out with Mom in the morning to have some coffee and such, but I wasn't really feeling it. She ended up stopping into my room and double checking our agreement for
Overlook Moutain hiking. I said I was surely in. Anna and I proceeded to roll some more logs and build a better bonfire. It was freaking awesome. I'm sure it was the coolest if not the most flammable bonfire around at the time. We rolled logs until we couldn't move our arms anymore, then we went to Target for some gifts for the nephews and our brand new niece. We got some super cute stuff and headed home. Mom came home and we all filed into her car for the hike. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, and we mostly made some small talk. We started the hike and mom took off on a speed walk. Anna and I fought to keep up and finally she tired out a bit and we were able to talk for real. We talked all the way up to the top. The views were fantastic. It was cold and misty, so the building was surrounded by fog. I kept taking my scarf off because I was sweaty and then putting it immediately back on because it was really freaking cold. Here's some pictures:
Climbing the Rope like Nobody's Business |
Post Overlook I had to remind Mom that I was headed to Boston the next day. Then we went out to meet Jen Stack who was going to take me to Crossfit. Crossfit rocked.
Day 8, Crossfit and Babies. TBC
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