From Gokill.com |
... And I liked it. It tasted really good. Halloween wasn't necessarily the problem. It was the cookies that were on sale because they were orange Halloween cookies. They hit my weak spot. I ate almost a whole container of them. That's a lot of calories. Not that I'm counting calories these days, but dayum. Then I spiraled and ate shit tons of the candy we bought just in case we had a trick or treater. We didn't. But we still have candy. It's a good thing. I wanted to eat it all. I get this obsessive need to continue to eat. I think it's the crack, er, I mean sugar in them. There were chocolate chips and peanut butter... oh my god, I'm kind of drooling now. Anyway, I spiraled int over eating and like a true addict I haven't written on my blog because I wanted to be alone with my guilt. If I wrote about it, I'd have to stop and I didn't want to. I wanted to stuff my gullet with sugar. I had an amazing sugar hangover the next morning, which led to my addict thinking- maybe some bread and sugar, or maybe some wine will make me feel better. Hmmm, I've never tried that before. Lo and behold, no, more sugar and bread and wine did not make me feel better. It truly makes me wonder what's in those god damn things. I am a rational human being. I make good decisions about my health. I work out, I eat my vegetables, just like my mommy told me to. So why is it that I turn into a crack fiend with just a sniff of peanut butter cookies? Oh well, I'm human. I'm fessing up to my weaknesses. It's embarrassing, but true, my kryptonite is a dozen peanut butter cookies.

On another happier note, my Tae Kwon Do is moving smoothly and I will be testing for my orange belt tomorrow, woohoo! They are letting me test early since I'll be on vacation on the regular testing date. These guys really rock. I did a pretest preparation yesterday, got some pointers and should pass with flying colors tomorrow. I have a few things I have to memorize and I need to remember to do an elbow strike with all of my moves. I've gotten lazy elbow. I wish it didn't cost 105 bucks. But that's martial arts. It's the cost of the test, the belt and the videos for the next level. The videos are a great investment. Even if I don't continue with TKD, I'll always have the videos so I can review the moves. And if I rejoin I can watch them to remember all my moves so I won't be totally embarrassed. It was a great workout last night, my arms are still sore. That's the kind of workout that I love. I wish every TKD session was like that. I would stay for sure.
I am going to go make dinner now, I think I can salvage the damage I did over the last couple of days. I have lots of healthy food since we just got paid recently. We have steak, broccoli, cauliflower, more beef, and lots of other stuff in the freezer. I'll see if I can avoid the cookies. Whatever is left is going to my school tomorrow, the office ladies can eat them.
1 comment:
The taste of peanut butter makes you know that life is good
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