Pre-Thanksgiving on Hammock |
This past Monday Anna and I were driven to the airport in a fancy schmancy car at 5am. Her plane left at 7:30am and I slept in the airport until my plane left at 11:30am. It wasn't so bad. I also got a tuna melt and a coffee in the airport. Yummy. The flight wasn't horrible, I watched a few movies and napped a little. When I landed I had to stay awake to go pick Anna up at 10:30pm Hawaii time. I was so exhausted. I got a little sick and just felt like sleeping for the next couple of days.
Jak and Ananda with Cake |
We cruised around to Ben Franklin, hiked the Pillboxes, grocery shopped and prepared for Thanksgiving.
Anna's new Bike, Carmen |
Thanksgiving was nice and relaxed. I made some stuffing and spaghetti squash. We went to Joanna and Jeff's and surprised Jak with a cake for her birthday. We talked story with the ladies, then we headed over to Bobby and Corey's place for some more turkey. Corey prepared a huge spread of food including a stuffed turkey and a huge ham, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce. Good thing we went since we were the only ones who showed up to eat all that food. Anna and I stuffed ourselves, then Anna passed out on the couch. We got mad leftovers to take home.
I tried to go into work on Friday, but the office was closed and I headed home to do a bit of paperwork. When I did all I thought I needed to, Anna and I went out and she bought herself a bike. It's really great, it's purple and she got a basket put on the front and fenders were ordered to be put on on Monday. We grabbed some applications from a few bars on the way home.
Hamama Falls |
Saturday morning we hiked Hamama Falls with Theresa, Joanna, Jak, Keysa and Ananda, and the doggies. It was the perfect length of hike. Tiring, but we still had energy for more activities later. Anna and I headed to the beach in the afternoon. It was super windy, so we hunkered down and watched the kite surfers. Then we rode into town so Anna could grab a surf board she found on Craigs List.
Ze Beach is Zat Way! |
Sunday we hiked the Koko Head stairs and then headed to the Verizon store to see if we could get Anna on her own phone plan. She decided against it for the moment since it's pretty expensive with all the texting she does. We got some yogurt from Yogurtland (delicious!!!) and headed back home. We were going to head to the beach again since all the ladies and Jeff were headed that way, but we got caught in traffic. When we got closer we realized it was due to some brush fires that were ignited all along the road side. We had a whole bunch of ash blow straight at us in a quick windstorm. Awesome!
Looking for Recyclables |
Instead of the beach Anna decided to ride around town on her bike and check out the local stores. I stayed home and did very little. I think I had some wine and thought about taking a nap. Then Joanna texted that they were at a coffee house in town and I met them over there. It's one of my new favorite stores I've decided. It had a whole bunch of locally handmade goods for sale and was comfortable, warm and the tea latte I had was delicious.
Waah! |
I finally went back to work yesterday for a full day. It was good, but I was a little bored. Not that I didn't have plenty to do, I just didn't want to do it. I had the same problem today. I did a lot of work, but my heart wasn't really in it. It was hard to get back to the same ol', same ol. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Smoke from Brushfire |
Tonight is Tae Kwon Do, and hopefully it doesn't kick my ass too badly. I am out of practice and out of shape. I did go to the grocery store today to pick up healthier food so I am not picking on all of the chips and bread available to me in my refrigerator. I have plenty of other options now. No excuses!
It's going to be time to start my pre-New Year's Resolution! I need to figure it out by Thursday. Hope everyone else is ready with theirs, too.
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