This week I haven't felt too much like blogging. I had a great week last week and an awesome weekend and then Monday it was back to work. Bleh. I love seeing the kids and the people I work with are a lot of fun, but there is just so much about the job that I'm not a fan of. Anything paperwork or planning or data collection related and my eyes just roll to the back of my head. It's not too hard, it's not over my head, it's just boring. Some people love data. I want to cock punch those people. Not really, I'm not mean. But I am absolutely positive that when I have my private practice I am going to hire someone to do some of that stuff. I will have a
secretary adm. assistant someday. The thought gets me through a lot of days. That person will organize my files, take down dictation, and maybe do some of my scheduling. I will meet with clients and do the thinking.

Other than work I went to Tae Kwon Do on Tuesday and tonight. I felt myself not wanting to be there. I can just tell that I'm ready for some changes. The job is not going to change right away, but the exercise is. I signed the paperwork to cancel my YMCA membership tonight. It will now expire on the 14th, I will have to be responsible for my own exercising until the New Year and then I am joining Crossfit Kailua. TKD was awesome for 6 months. I might go back to it, it will be the same curriculum, but I need a change. I hate it when exercise feels like a chore, because I know it doesn't have to. I know that when I am doing the right sport/exercises I wake up looking forward to my workout for the day. I look forward to learning better technique and working myself to the point of exhaustion. TKD is not feeling like that for me right now. I am trying to get over the feeling of guilt I have for switching again, but just because other people stick to an exercise forever doesn't mean that's what I am supposed to do. If I died next week I'd be pissed that I didn't follow my intuition and switch to something more meaningful. So here I go, changing it up.
On another note, today is December 1st. It's time for me to declare my Pre-New Year's Resolution. I always have a health/fitness goal, but this year I want to add on a spiritual one. Here goes:

Health and fitness: From now until New Year's I will eat my own version of modified paleo. Which is basically paleo without being an asshole and also eating cheese and yogurt. I am not going to set a weight loss goal, I just want my pants to fit better and to feel less bloated as the New Year rolls in.
Spiritual: This next year I really want to pay more attention to my intuition. I'm not going to explain why right now, let's just say I've done a lot of research and I think it's important. So to prepare for the New Year, my Pre-New Year Resolution will be that every day until the New Year I am going to journal for at least 5 minutes every day. Nothing special or spectacular, just my thoughts. If things go right I will be waking up early and journaling before I start my day, but even a few quick lines before I fall asleep would suffice. I am going to go buy a nice book tomorrow to write in. Yes, I have composition books that I could use, but I feel like this is something more special. I've been listening to Deepak Chopra recently and he's got me excited about spirituality. Go figure.

So those are my resolutions and plans for the New Year, what are yours? Feel free to leave me some answers in the comment section!
Ross has cute cheap journals! I just got one few weeks ago! I agree with switching!! I want to switch! I'm not feeling the boxing and kickboxing. Denia loves it so sometimes she does the class and I run or do the elliptical. It's just a lot of money to spend for running and the elliptical. I like the gym, owners, people, etc but it's often hard to get into the classes. And it's right on my way home, it's the easy gym to get too which means I get to it more because I literally drive pass it to get home. I think its important to find something fun you like but getting to the gym does seem impossible sometimes.
I love pre-new year goals!!! They are important, starting the new year fresh! I'm not looking forward to all the January gym goers, it's going to be filled with people that aren't going to stick it out! UGH! You should totally get an assistant, not one uses the term secretary anymore. LOL! It's just admin assistant now so it can include men and women.
I stand corrected, I will have an admin assistant. I forgot about Ross, I'll head over there as soon as work is done. Too bad there's not one right here so I could do it on my lunch break.
Find something you love! I was literally having this conversation with the office staff here two minutes ago. A local representative here ran all the time, ate healthy, didn't smoke, did everything right and still had a stroke the other day at the age of 30. I am a huge proponent of being healthy, eating right and exercising, but doing it for the right reasons. Make sure you spend your time wisely. If I'm going to be fit, it's not going to be from doing something I hate. Which is different from something that hurts really bad, but makes you feel sooo good when you're done.
I hear about so many fit people having heart attacks and stroke. It's scary makes you wonder if your efforts are going to pay off. Yeah I'm not sure I like any of it other than hiking. Just seems like work but I think it seems like that because I'm so out of shape. Ran two miles and it was seriously hard. That sound be easy.
You liked kickboxing for a while. Maybe when you're back to being able to run a few more miles and are a little more in shape you'll like other stuff again. I just get bored easily and have to move on. 2 miles is fine as long as you don't stay there. You know how quickly you can get in better shape if you stick with it. So do it.
It hurts my knees so not sure how much more I can run. I'm going to try twice a week. Maybe I'll do a class soon. Haven't in a while. I like the elliptical. Quick and I can burn a ton of calories because I haul ass on it.
Oh yeah, you do shit tons on the elliptical. So what if you only do two miles on the treadmill then? I freaking hate the treadmill and will never step on one again if I can help it. I always pull something or hurt something or push too hard.
I did. I did two miles on elliptical about 25 mins then did 2.5 miles on the treadmill which was like 26 mins. So I need to switch it up. The problem with the classes it starts at 5:30 so I have to wait around for the darn class and it sucks waiting.
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