Left side: 2006, Top 3: April 2012- pre-challenge, Bottom 3: May 2012- post-challenge |
So I realize I haven't blogged in a really long time. Work got really stressful and I was just trying to enjoy all my other time. Since I last blogged Anna left and that is really, really sad. While she was here I did so much fun stuff. I had more fun packed into a couple of months this year than I've had in years. She convinced me to do a lot of stuff. It reminded me that life is short and you only live once. Just some of the stuff we did: Hiked everywhere, searched for
squatch, wore lots of knee socks,
crossed lots of fit, did tons of pullups, started our own crossfittish supplemental workouts, ran with a slosh tube, lay on the beach, frolicked everywhere, parkoured, ran a Swamp Romp and a
Warrior Dash, drank Guinness, dance, almost hiked the stairway to heaven, got my nose pierced and some of us got tattooed. There was tons of laughs and late night talks. I'm suprised we never fought. And I know there's tons of stuff that I left off of this short list. It was pretty amazing. Around the time Anna was leaving I started the
Crossfit Oahu Nutrition Challenge. Normally I don't like to pay money for things, because I'm a cheap ass, but I knew this would be worth it. I paid 75 bucks to be weighed in and have my body fat tested with a very cool ultrasoundish machine. We got great advice and feedback from our challenge host, Courtney Johnson. She also created an amazing spreadsheet that allows you to track points you get for eating at the level you chose, for sleeping enough and for working out. I know I work with kids and star charts every day, but I'm still amazed at how motivated I was and still am by earning points. It helped me make hard decisions several times. I was like, I could eat that, but I'll lose 5 points! It turns out I'm quite the points whore. And it wasn't even a challenge where the person with the most points wins. Each point is a chance to win the pot of money at the end. Either way, I was very motivated.
The other cool thing about the challenge is that it gave me a new way to look at food. Instead of "that's not on the list of allowable foods" that you get with most diets, lifestyles, ways of eating, whatever. Instead it was, here is your priority list. On the bottom of the list is the junkiest, most bad for you foods and as the levels increased your eating got healthier and healthier. I decided not to cut out sweet potatoes and squash, so I was at a level 7. I could have tried to be more strict, but I wanted to spend the 45 days getting into eating habits that I could follow for life. Every time I went shopping and considered a meal, I didn't "have" to eliminate anything. I just chose how healthy I wanted to be at the time.
It was a very succesful challenge for me. I wasn't eating all that great before the challenge, but my poor eating is still pretty healthy by the Standard American Diet's standards. Throughout the challenge I lost 13 pounds, and 4 inches off of my waist. Pretty awesome in 45 days. Especially since eating paleo, I'm never super hungry. I never get the high/low blood sugar spikes. I don't feel like I have to limit how much I eat. I love the food. And it makes me feel really strong. Just saying for all the people who think cutting out grains is hard, well, yeah, it's hard because eating grains is a habit. It's what we're used to. But if people didn't try to shove grains in my face all the time, I wouldn't miss them. The hardest time I have is when well-meaning people make me feel like I don't appreciate them because I won't eat their damn cookies or bread. I'm amazed how offended people are when I won't taste their food. But that's another story.
So that's what I've been up to. Living life, hard.
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