Super Sweet! |
Amazingly enough, I just had to go back and look to see how long it's been since the Paleo challenge ended. Since May 15, I've been sticking to my
Level 7 Paleo with the exception of being able to have 3 treats a week. I was unsure of how this was going to go. In my last post I mentioned that I didn't really feel like having any treats. It's true. The results I get from eating
Paleo /
primal style are insanely worthwhile. I lost 20 pounds eating tons of good food. I only workout twice a week most weeks. Granted, Crossfit workouts are pretty intense, but talk about a sustainable lifestyle. So do I really want to eat bread? And then try to "run off all the excess calories?" Do I really want to eat sugar? The truth is, when I think for a second instead of just grabbing for something to eat, I really don't want or need it. I had some dried pineapple the other day that I could have sworn had added sugar on it. I triple checked the ingredients, it was from Whole Foods, who kindly make all of their ingredients very visible and public. The truth was, I just have gotten used to the natural sweetness of fruit and the pineapple was very, very sweet on it's own. (Brilliant aside, if there is ever a need for sweetening something like paleo bread or muffins or adding sweetness to a barbecue sauce, those dried pineapples are an amazing substitution, just chop into small pieces.) I know there are people who will read this and shake their heads in sadness, because I am now "missing out" on some of the pleasures in life. I used to be one of those people. Amazingly, I have changed my palette to the point that some of the most simple fruits, meats, vegetables, and spices
are those pleasures in life. I get to eat amazing food
all the time. I don't have to save up my calories so that I can have a slice of cheesecake after dinner and then feel guilty about it or feel like I have to accomodate for it somehow. I can just eat good food all day long. Whole Foods moving in down the road has also given me a wide variety of dried fruit that doesn't have sugar added to it. Pears, apples, pineapples, bananas, raisins, figs, dates, and my all time favorite Mexican Mango. I could eat that all day long. (And even if I did, I wouldn't feel bad about it.)
Yum!!! |
I'm not saying that I don't have to put any effort into staying thin and in shape. That is what the media and "the man" would tell you is your ultimate goal. Buy this, then you don't put in
any effort! It's easy! Not true. It's just that I enjoy the effort now. I have figured out some way to cut corners to make paleo simpler, with less steps to cook stuff. I have ADHD and need things to be simple, few ingredients and with little planning involved. I need to have several standby recipes and stuff that I can go to when I have forgotten to pull something out of the freezer. It takes getting used to, but there are items that I always get when I'm at the grocery store. That way, I always have a backup plan. For example, pureed pumpkin and coconut milk. Two items you can buy canned, that last forever. You can combine them when you're in a jam, with whatever other ingredients you happen to have in your fridge, maybe add a little curry powder or paste and wham! Delicious soup! I also always have eggs. No matter what, I can always make eggs. And you can do so many things with them that I never get bored. One of the other items I always have is a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. Now, I know strict paleo/organic folks will tell me that there is most likely sugar somewhere in there and it is probably not pasture raised. I know this. In my life right now, this works and I feel healthy. I have started a recipe book that will share some of my easy shortcuts. I hope it is something that will encourage people who are interested in trying out paleo/primal, but are concerned about costs and the ability to cook. Anyone who knows me well knows that if there is a shortcut that will make my life easier, but will not noticeably decrease the ultimate goal, then I will find it. And I've found a lot of paleo shortcuts.
Treating Myself |
Actually the point of this post was going to be that last week I did treat myself. I thought about it all day, what treat was I going to buy? I planned and thought about it and then when I was at the grocery store I wandered around all the aisles looking for a "treat." I ended up buying a bottle of wine and a fage 2% yogurt with the honey thing on the side. And then I enjoyed the hell out of it. I slowly ate the yogurt and honey and licked off every drop that was left in the container. Then I had a glass of wine. It was pretty darn good. And my stomach hurt in the morning. Go figure. Anyway, since then, I had some wine with a good friend, which is always worth it, really. My stomach, again, felt nasty in the morning, but that was okay. At the store today I bought some heavy organic half and half. I plan to make it last. I love my coffee black, but there's something about that half and half that turns it into something delightful. I just have to remember to only add a little bit so my stomach doesn't have problems during the work day. To bring it back to the point I was making in the beginning is that it makes me really savor some things I was taking for granted. I don't have to eat this way, I
choose to eat this way. I choose to evaluate what goes into my body, the same way I would never put anything other than gas in my car. I don't do the super expensive gas, but I certainly wouldn't ever put diesel fuel or apple juice in my Civic. Same with me. My beef is not always grass-fed, but it's never made by McDonald's anymore.