Okay, thank goodness, I am back down to my pre-Thanksgiving weight. I gained two pounds and stopped myself from continuing to balloon. I am thanking Myia for writing a blog about just maintaining weight for the holidays. I was still setting goals for myself that were a little unrealistic considering the amount of food I had planned on making and eating for the holidays. I ran on Monday, I did a little under three and a half miles in 31 minutes. It was about a 9:16 per mile, so that's really good for me. Hopefully I can continue to add on miles and stay at or go faster than that. If I do then I will beat my Aloha Run time from last year. I figure as long as I'm improving I'm doing okay. I would love to be able to run the race really fast, but realistically I was just happy that I didn't have to walk at all last year.
Today, thanks to Ananda, I ran again. I was sitting on the couch hoping that nobody wanted to run, that maybe Ananda had forgotten it was Wednesday. I told Nate that maybe I would just work out tomorrow. Luckily Ananda called at 5:30 and wanted to run, so I met her at Buzz's. We ran 4 miles, but we chatted the whole time. It was actually really nice. It was a change from running the loop as fast as I can and being really tired and dead afterwards. We decided that I've been training the wrong way, so my time wasn't getting any better, and I probably wasn't even burning as many calories doing the fast run as we did today. We ran a pretty good time for chatting the whole way, and the great part is I felt like I could run farther if it wasn't so dark out. I think there needs to be a schedule of short, fast runs, longer, slower runs, and interval runs. Maybe some walk/run intervals. Either way I want to be ready for the Aloha Run and

hopefully the Swamp Romp if I can figure out when it is. It's so much more fun when you're training for something! And I just signed up for the Aloha Run early, which means that they send an "In-training T-shirt" and a planner.
Hey Mary, my friend Carrie Csizmar (one of my college suitemates) just ran the Chicago Marathon. It was her first one and she trained really well for it. I'll send you her email and let her know you are interested in her training. She's super fitness oriented so should be able to give you some great tips. Definately email her!
Will do, I'm always looking for more tips for training.
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