This week is the last week of distance season for paddling. Sunday is the race from Molokai to home. This is the race we have been training for all season. This morning I went to practice, felt a little stuffed up in the beginning. We paddled all the way to Smith's Point (Lanikai), and then straight out for about 15 minutes. Then we rode some waves in. After that we headed out towards Bird Island and down to the Pinky's canal. I was already feeling really burnt out and sore, and starting to feel really sick. On the way back to Kailua Canal, I felt the most tired I have felt paddling all season. I really hope it's because I'm sick, not because I am that out of shape, or that burnt out on paddling. I ended up leaving practice early because I could not picture myself getting back into the boat, which was heading back to Smith's Point one final time. That's about another hour of paddling. I made the decision to leave early. I had coffee with Joanna afterwards and we talked with Myia on conference call for a while. That was nice. It helped put some of my feelings about paddling into perspective. I'm sure I'll be ready to be back in action come Monday. I think it's a combination of body sore from being sick and from paddling so hard on Thursday night.
We also talked (on conference call with Myia) about setting goals for after paddling. I think one of the things that I have relaxed on is eating healthy. With paddling the weight was coming off so easy that I started to eat poorly again. Not as poorly as before, I don't think I'll ever go back to that. I still make lunch for Me and Nate every day for work, and our dinners are reasonably healthy. My breakfasts continue to be eggs with whatever frozen vegetables we have in the freezer. Dinners have just begun to creep up in serving size, especially with the starches. And then dessert has become a regular thing again. For a while we weren't eating very much dessert. After Nate and Bobby went to Sam's Club, we have a huge amount of skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and a whole box full of peanut butter cups.
My goals for this week:
Paddling on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Not just paddling, but enthusiastic, hard paddling. Getting to practice on time and getting excited about getting in the boat. I can do that one more week.
Sunday- Molokai
Eating: drink at least one bottle of water each day (I've relaxed on this as well)
That's it. I'm gonna keep it simple this week.
My goals for next week:
Run with Denby at least 1x. Hopefully she'll email about the time and place soon so I can put it in my planner.
Limit carbohydrate intake.
I am hoping the 1 bottle of water a day is a typo or it's a really really really really big bottle. Like jolly green giant size! Ummmmm.....one bottle a day isn't enough chick. I drink at least four when I am not doing anything.
I gotta start somewhere small. I'm serious about the 1 bottle of water. I'm not even drinking that much every day. If I say I'm gonna drink 4 liters of water each day, that's a lie and I'm not gonna reach that goal, but when I go to drink that first bottle, I usually fill it up when I'm done and drink a lot more than that. But I'm truly talking about a minimum goal of 1 small bottle of water.
Oh my god, how does your body run? What other liquids are you putting in it? that is just crazy. Yeah set small goals but wow that is not a lot of water at all. I can drink that before I leave the house in the morning.
I know, it's pretty awful. There are some days when I get home from work and I don't think I've drank anything but coffee and diet pepsi. Of course, that's the problem, so part of my goal is to not bring diet pepsi for lunch. Then when I'm thirsty I don't have anything to reach for except water.
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