This blog is for me to impart my vast knowledge and life experience onto others. Okay, really just a place for me to write about myself, where others can read along if they like. Most likely, it'll just be me and my blogger.
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Saturday's Practice
We had a long freaking practice this morning. Half of the team went to Kona to paddle in the ironman Kona race. It's 18 miles. It was too expensive for me to go, plus I didn't have a set crew to paddle with anyway. So the rest of the team paddled out to the Mokes, then we paddled straight out to the middle of the ocean for a half hour. Then we head over to the canal by Pinky's and did some sprints. After that we paddled for 10 minutes straight out and then finally head back to Kailua to put the boats away. I was there from 6-12 today. It was an awesome workout, and I think I was actually paddling correctly so my arms weren't all that sore. My back hurts, but it's not as bad as when your arms turn into noodles. My fingers are all blistered even though I wore gloves the whole time. I weighed myself after practice, that's always the best time, because you lose so much water weight, and I was 130 on my scale, which means I'm actually 135 in real life weight. I'll be very surprised if it goes lower than that. I think this is probably my correct weight. I've still got some padding around my belly and my bum, but I don't think I would want to weigh any less. I can always use more muscle, but that will come with time.
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I think you should just google an ideal weight for your height. I found a good one that ask you a few questions about your frame size rather then just your height and weight. Wow 130 that is great. I think you can lost more weight, only if you still have a good amount of fat on you. I think whatever you were in HS is probably closer to your ideal weight like 120-125 and I think just by you being active and keep eating good you will lose it without trying. I did, I mean I just got on the scale and was like wow lost a few more pounds just by eating healthier and staying away from crap foods. I haven't been tyring to lose more weight. I think at first your main goal is to lose weight, which we did, now our next goal should be to get healthy. Losing weight doesn't equal healthy, I think that is a entirly different challenge. I need to start with cutting back on the Skinny Cows and frozen dinners and eat more fruits and veggies.
That is great that Nate is eating better. I hope he buys into all the stuff you are doing because being healthy is important so you both live a very long time so we can hang out!
Okay found the link for ideal weight
Mary, I'm glad to hear you're eating well and getting a hell of a lot of exercise.
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