
Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So Ananda talked me into the Great Aloha Run again. I hadn't wanted to do the event this year because I've run it every other year and had visions of beating my time from previous years. So not being able to run it this year I thought was going to be very disappointing. I kept thinking that it was going to take so much longer and that I would be bored out of my mind. To my surprise, I think I enjoyed the GAW (Great Aloha Walk as Ananda dubbed it) even more this year because we were able to talk for a while and got a really good workout at the same time. It took us a little under two hours and we did a little over a 14 minute per mile pace for the whole thing. We worked on our speedwalking form and took some pictures. I also didn't hurt as bad after this time as I did the last time and Nate and I were able to go to the beach later in the day.
I just looked up my time. 1:55:14 seconds.
I also looked up my previous times: 2008- 1:18:34, 2007- 1:34:20, 2006- 1:55:42.
Funny, I beat my time for 2006, even though I ran it that year. It was a pretty slow run. I must be in much better shape.
I started my detoxification this weekend. So far, so good. I stepped on the scale this morning and am not going to get on it again until next week Tuesday. I am just going to eat well for a week from today and see where that gets me. Also, I realize that I have been setting goals for losing weight. Again and again and again, the same goals with no results. There must be something going wrong. One of the things you can change when looking at goals is changing the goal to a positive. So, instead of a goal of losing so many pounds in so many days I am going to change my goal to getting abs. I am going to take a picture of my belly now and then I will take a picture of it every week. I'm just thinking as I write. I need to somehow come up with a measurement so I will know if I am making progress. Perhaps my waist measurement?
Maybe if I am reaching for getting something instead of losing, I will be better off. Who knows, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm just tired of talking about losing weight, losing weight, instead of getting healthier, looking more toned, etc. Losing weight is not everything.


Arin said...

Great thoughts Mary! I love the ab measuring - v. smart. I sent your post to Flo and Kendra and am inspired to set my own achievable goal, but you have to check Skinny Blog to see it!

Unknown said...

I'm awaiting your new goals! I think I've been perseverating on the scale- so I'm done with it.

Serrissa said...

Great Job on the walk! You guys did great! Measuring it always good way to keep track. People sometimes lose inches without losing weight. This can be a good way to keep you motivated.