I wrote the other day that I am going to work on getting abs rather than losing weight. Whether or not it's going to work, I'm not 100% sure. There is research that supports phrasing goals in the positive. Like replacing- I will not eat ice cream for dessert at night- with I will eat a banana for dessert at night. It tells you what to do, not what not to do. I think I was on the right track, but maybe a little too vague. Thinking as I'm writing- I may need to change my goal to something like I will do 50 situps every day. Or I will do 20 situps in the morning. Hmmm. Maybe I can change the goal to- I will do one thing every day this week to strengthen my abs. My options are: situps, leg raises, bicycles, plank pose, or jack knives. Of course if I think of something else to do that works on my abs, I will count it.
I like that goal much better. Of course I will not be leaving out the rest of my body, I don't want hot abs and shriveled little arms and fat thighs. But I do think I need to start small and think in the positive.
Also, I've changed my week to go from Tuesday to Tuesday instead of Monday through Sunday. I'm trying to work on not letting the weekend get to me. If the weekend is stuck in the middle of my week rather than the end of it, then I can power through it. Of course, it's only a mental change, I will still be working Monday through Friday.
I didn't work as hard at my kickboxing class last night as I usually do because I was paired off with someone who was new to the class. It is a trade off, sometimes you get a killer workout working with someone who has been in the class for a while and sometimes you are the teacher- you get to show someone else the basics and help them feel like they will get better.
So today I need to do some kind of exercise to make up for the missed workout. I will start with the situps or whatever ab building option I choose for tonight and then maybe I should throw the shoes on and go for a walk. It turns out that walking can be pretty good exercise.
Tuesday to Tuesday is an excellent idea. I like it. And doing ab work out is a really good exercise and it will build your core muscle which is your center so very important.
However, doing ab exercises will not make fat around your stomach go down. Spot exercising(as it is called) is a myth. I did a lot of research on abs and I actually have an great online book about it. I can email it over, it's a huge file though. The way to a six back is by removing fat from your body, which is by burning more calories then you take in.
Anyhow I do love the idea of changing it up and focusing on something else because that is great for your mind and ab workouts can burn a ton of calories and it's something you can do at home at anytime.
To bad you don't watch commericals, you could make a rule that everytime a commerical comes on when you are watching tv you have to do ab workout. That's a sure way to get a great workout in because they have commericals all the time. See DVR is the devil!
I think if you keep trying different things you will find something that works for you.
On a different note, I did 6 miles on the treadmill, a little boring and I had to pee so badly but seemed fairly easy. I ran 3.6 miles the other day but my knee hurt a little so I stopped, but it doesn't hurt with walking so I think I am going to become a walker.
I'm glad you said that about ab work not making you skinny- it's true, I've read the research. The ab work will be combined with the cardio workouts. So far the mindset change has been nice though. I'm not constantly thinking, don't eat that, you want to lose weight. I'm thinking instead about the nice abs I'm going to have if I don't eat it.
you know what else is great. Slipping on a pair of jeans and throwing on a shirt and felling comfortable without worry about how it makes you look. With great abs you look good in everything!
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