
Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Not Easy Being Clean (and Sober)

I got to hand it to those AA folks, it's not easy to avoid having a drink when you're out with friends. Wednesday I was exhausted and we went out to dinner at Zia's and it was just so nice to eat way too much pasta and have a glass of wine. No excuses, it was just very easy to forget my commitment. Of course officially I said I would stop drinking after Valentine's Day because I want to have some wine with the Kobe Beef Burgers I bought for Nate. After that I was going to commit to not drinking until March 31, Nate's birthday. That's over a month with no drinking at all. Kind of a nice detox time. Maybe I should do the First Phase or whatever Oprah's diet guy calls it. He cuts out a few things like alcohol and you make a commitment to not eating 2 hours before you go to bed. This will be a good time to try it. There's no holidays coming up after Valentine's for a little while. Anybody have good reccomendations for a detoxifying tea? We drink tea all the time and it would be a great combo to stop drinking alcohol and drink a detox tea instead. I'm actually looking forward to it. I am starting to feel bloated a little bit. The scale hasn't moved, but I don't feel my best. When I'm not eating really well I get tired and stressed out easier. And let me tell you, I've been extremely stressed this week. And then of course the cycle begins begins again cause once I'm stressed I just want to eat crap.
I do have to pat myself on the back for getting up early on Wednesday and taking the dogs for a walk on the beach. They were able to run back and forth and I did just a half hour of walking. The only reason I turned around to go back is that Gizmo and Titus were jumping on me to go back. I wanted to actually keep walking. I think if they build up their ability to walk farther I will be able to do a pretty good workout in a little while. It's beautiful and cool in the morning and the dogs definitely are nice and tired afterwards. I just have to be careful with Gizmo cause he's only 8 months old and you're not supposed to put too much stress on a puppy. I'm not running so I'm not too worried, but I don't want to hurt him. I know I ran too much with Titus before he was old enough. The good thing about it is that I now have three options for working out that I enjoy to make up for the lack of running. Tennis, walking and kickboxing.
I am also thinking, jumping back to the earlier part of this ramble, that during my detox month I should stay away from the scale and just eat right and exercise. Then weight myself at the end. I've heard that's a recommendation. At this point staring at the scale isn't helping me anyway, it's been the same for months, give or take a pound or two. Any recommendations for me? Anyone in on a detoxing challenge perhaps?


Arin said...

Carry Gizmo once he's tired and walk as long as Titus is into it. Violet always gives up before Lupita and I are ready to stop walking - I've just figured out how to zip her into my coat or carry her while we finish up. Of course, you look like a Paris Hilton freak, but at least you don't have to turn around.

Kendra did some kind of colon cleanse detox recently and felt pretty good. May as well clean out your pooper while detoxing!!

Serrissa said...

Josh gets on the scale once a week and counts calories as an overall week rather then each day. This works well for him. Just need to find what works well for you and try different things.

Unknown said...

What did Kendra use to detox? And I took your advice recently and just kept going, scooping Gizmo up after he got tired. It worked well actually, he let me carry him for a little while.