It is very apparent to me as every day goes by that the support I am getting from others doing the challenge is crucial. It is much easier to reach in my bag for the baby carrots or orange instead of seeking out other food when I can go to Jen's blog and read about everyone else's misery. I have eaten healthier in the past week than I have ever eaten in my life. Especially now that I know that you can't slip up and eat cheese or something and keep counting days. You have to start over. So I'm really lucky that Nathan's iced coffee tasted bad because I would be starting over. I get it, you are doing the challenge for 30 days, 30 days is what it takes to restart your body or whatever the hell it is I'm trying to do here. So, I will not be starting over, which means I'm going to continue to be very strict. I can tell that this way of eating is better than what I was doing before. I'm just not hungry. And I don't crash at 2pm. My blood sugar level seems to be staying pretty stable. Here I am at the office at 4:30pm and I'm not zoned out like I normally would be. Especially after last night's killer kickboxing class.
I am wondering what will come of this in the future. Will I want to stay away from dairy and grains for good? I suppose I should leave that question until the end of the challenge. The dairy/grain thing is definitely a mental thing, not a physical one. Physically I feel awesome, don't feel hungry. But there's so many positive things paired up with these comforting foods that my mind is missing. I need to deal with that, or even if this way of eating is for me, it won't last long. The breakfast = bread thing. The bread to sop up soup thing. The bread to hold your sandwich together thing. The rice to hold your chili thing. All of those associations that are made need to be reinvented. I guess it will take practice.
Going home now to make a paleo hamburger. Yum!
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