Christmas was great today, I got a lot of great gifts. Nate and I are going to be certified to scuba dive! Nate's parents are buying Nate a package and he's paying for me to go as well. I can't wait. They do a full class including ocean dives. Then we're certified for life.
For breakfast this morning I made Nate the breakfast he wanted- special bacon from R. Fields, sausage and homemade home fries. I can't wait until all of the fatty food is gone from the house. I can handle the candy a little better. I may give away the cookies that are sitting on the counter. I had to throw away the rest of the chex mix that Dane made. I couldn't stop eating once I started and twice I ate so much of it I felt sick. I might pour the egg nog down the drain. I don't like it all that much. Nate doesn't like it at all. And it has 220 calories per serving! I usually only have a small taste of it, but that's a hell of a lot of calories.
I'm also excited to give Ananda her gift. I won't write what it is on the off chance that she reads the blog before I give it to her tomorrow, but it should hopefully help me reach my New Year's goals stated previously on this blog.
I poured my egg nog out and I love it. What are you wearing in that picture? Scuba driving would be so much fun. I wanted to do it but couldn't find anyone that would pay for the classes. Josh didn't want to spend that much on the chance he didn't like it.
I ran 3 miles on the treadmill on the 24th and did two leg machines and my entire body hurts like hell, still! I guess that is what I get for not doing anything in 2 months. I am getting on the elliptical today to try to work my muscles out of this soreness.
I am excited for the Holidays to end too so people will stop giving me cookies and having crap food around.
I think we are going to get Josh a gym member ship but I don't know yet. He isn't very motivated about stuff.
Good job on the run. I was going to text you at 4:44 but I figured you were sleeping like a normal person.
Tell Nate I said Merry Christmas. Miss you guys.
I did it, I poured out my egg nog. Holy lord that stuff was thick. It felt really good though.
good job.
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