
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Great Quick Workout and Check-in

So I have said many times that I would jumprope for my workout and truthfully today is the first day I actually did it on my own. Ananda and I did one minute intervals after playing tennis last week, but today I did 2 minute intervals. I found a great timer online It lets you set the timer for whatever you want and plays an annoying alarm when time's done. So I set it for 2 min, jumped rope, set it again, did situps, set it again, jumped rope and then did as many pushups as I could do. For an 8 minute workout, it was pretty exhausting. The second round of jumping rope was hard. I'm going to try to do another round in an hour.

So for my check in, unfortunately the scale read 145 again this morning, even though Ananda and I did an hour long walk last night. On Monday the transmission on my car died and I ended up drinking a lot of beer and then snacking on a lot of Christmas cookies that Nate's mom sent. I ate a lot of cookies. It sucks that one day can backtrack you that far. I had a really bad day yesterday, I got an estimate for the transmission (1800-2800) and then some work my dentist did on my front tooth fell off. Luckily it's not too visible because the dentist's office is closed for the holiday! I decided not to drink and get all depressed though. Instead Ananda and I went for a walk and then Nate and I watched the movie step-brothers which I thought was pretty darn funny. I felt much better afterwards. A hell of a lot better than I would have if I had drank instead of taking care of myself. I am going to do my best these next couple of days. Gizmo gets neutered on Friday which means he has to stay at the vet's office over night. With the holidays and all of the depressing news I need to make sure that I take care of myself or I have the tendency to get really depressed. I'm glad that I can look forward to Myia coming out and it will be nice when my car is fixed!

For the holidays- remember to appreciate all of the little things.

My husband, my puppies, nice weather here in Hawaii, good health, loving family, great friends.

1 comment:

Serrissa said...

Why does your dog have to stay over night for a neuter? A neuter takes like 15 minutes and then a few hours for the dog to wake up. They shouldn't have to keep him a night for a nueter. I never heard of that. At most the dog should stay about 6 hrs.

Oh, that sucks about your transmission. I ate some cookies too the other day. My shoveled my neighbors driveway because I shoveled my driveway and I knew I wasn't going to go to the gym so I wanted to get a little exercise in and it's only the lady and her daughter. Then she brought me over homemade chocolate chip cookies for doing it! They were so good. I hate four or five of them. Man there were good. But I have 2 eggs and a potato this morning for breakfast again.