I'm at that point when I try to start losing weight where I make some changes and don't see any weight loss immediately. I think it has to be the most frustrating thing. Usually this is the point where I quit making weight loss a priority and start sliding back into my unhealthy eating habits. I'm glad that Myia, Arin and her friends are blogging right now too, because it reminds me to keep going. I'm not the only one out there who struggles or has a hard time. If I keep it up and continue to make more changes, my pants will fit better and I can go down another size. That is my long term goal. I was so close last time I lost weight to getting down to what I believe is my ideal weight and size, but I got comfortable, paddling season was over, and here I am gaining weight. I vow never to get back up to 175 again. In fact, I vow never to get to 145 again, once I get these last 10-15 off soon.
Now that Bobby is moving out, I'm hoping there's enough space to jump rope in that bedroom. That is a quick exercise that truly kicks your ass in a few minutes. And there is a lot of different moves you can do once you get back into it. I think between that and kickboxing I can do it. I need to build up the endurance and muscles. In a week or two I should be dropping weight much faster. The kickboxing instructor is not joke, you get scolded all the time. But he shows you how to do things right. I feel like Karate Kid when I'm in there. He makes you feel like you want to do it right. I do way more pushups and situps in there than I would do on my own. I go until my arms are like jelly. It's great and man do I work up a crazy sweat. I have to figure out what to do with my hair. It's too short for a pony tail, but head bands tend to fly off the back of my head. Not very tough. I usually wear bandannas to work out, but I just feel like it wouldn't be welcome in there. Any other ideas out there for short hair?
As for dinner I actually made some good choices last night. I ate some of the white rice, but only a very small portion, so I could have the taste ot it. I drank a glass of ice tea with dinner. I have gotten into making large jugs of hot tea and letting it cool, then having some with ice in a glass. Nate doesn't like sweetener, so I just add some to my own glass, he goes without. We've been buying tea from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, they have some really tasty teas. The regular old Lipton Apple flavored tea was really tasty as a tea and so was the peach flavored tea I made. I try to all of my homely stuff at the same time. I boil the water for tea and start dinner cooking while I was dishes. I can usually get a sinkful done while I'm waiting for things to boil or sit in the oven. If I multi-task right I can do dinner, dishes and make tea in an hour and a half max. Sometimes I can even throw a load of wash in there while I'm at it. Once dinner's on the table, I'm usually worthless and don't get off the couch except to walk my doggies.
White rice doesn't have a taste! You have to kick your bad carb habit. Get the carbs you need through fruit and whole grains, like whole grain pasta. That way you can get your fiber and carbs in. If you must eat rice, eat brown rice; it's higher in fiber and lower in carbs. It's about equal in Calories but higher in fat. But still contains more things you need.
You had to go and rub in how bad white rice is. Of course I know it's awful for me. Just as bad as beer really. I'm working on it!
I mean I don't really like rice that much because it doesn't have a taste and it isn't worth it. I rather have a small red potato. I throw it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes then I throw it in a pan without any oil or anything and cut it up a little bit, put pepper on it and brown it a little. Then it kind of taste like a hash brown but not really and it's too terrible and it's tasty.
Hell I'm going to a cookie party today. We are going to exchange 6 dozen cookies. I know cookies aren't good for me. This stupid cookie party made me gain back a few pounds already. I went to the gym yesterday but I am going to have to go today, tomorrow and Tuesday to make up for these damn cookies! Stupid stupid cookies.
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