The Devil |
I will not lie to you readers, on Saturday night I was completely unable to have just one glass of wine. If you're trying not to drink, don't volunteer at a community event as a wine pourer. Don't get me wrong, it was a blast. Our costumes rocked and there was some really tasty food. I did my best to stick to the meats, but I know that the sauces were full of everything that makes me bloated. I'm sure there was sugar in there. That's why I couldn't stop. I kept going back for more- not for the turkey with no sauce, but for the meatballs and mushrooms drenched in some kind of manufactured bliss. It was really difficult to stay away from it. I did try some of the cheeses, I thought they would be higher quality, but they weren't. So long story short, a good time was had, wine was drunk, meatballs were gorged upon and then I barfed all over my shower because I was too drunk to aim for the toilet. Poor Nathan probably had a good reason to divorce me that night, it was really not pretty.
The good news: eating healthy reduces the hangover effect. I'm sure of it. Normally my Sunday would have been nothing but groaning and wishing I could fall back asleep. I wouldn't have moved from couch if I could have gotten myself there. Not this time. I woke up at 6:15am, cleaned out the showers- yes showers, I puked in both of them, did some dishes, caught up on this season of Fringe, and then sewed myself a dress. I walked the dogs a few times. I could see how the bad eating on Saturday night wanted to suck me back into the horrible cycle of empty carbs. I woke up, considered what to eat and had a fried banana and eggs. Doesn't sound delicious, but it was. A cup of black coffee and some water did me for a few hours. Then I took a quick nap and Nathan ordered a pizza and wings while I was down. I had some of the thin crust pizza and then I had more... and I realized what was happening. I was being sucked into the vortex of a bad eating frenzy. Even after recognizing it I still had another piece of pizza later that evening and a few tastes of Nathan's Ben and Jerry's ice cream. But, I didn't shame myself or beat myself over the head with guilt. Instead I threw down some paleo-friendly snacks and food in between. I had purple grapes, almonds, raisins and walnuts in no particular order. For dinner I ate a huge steak and nothing else. After I tasted Nathan's ice cream I had a bite of my 90% cacao bar and that satisfied the buds.

Like I said, this challenge is about really exploring how to make this a lifestyle change. I don't think I was 100% effective this weekend, but I can use this as a learning experience. Next time I am faced with a pizza I'm thinking I should take a piece and bring over a whole bunch of healthy snack to eat with it. I know it sounds like I ate a whole bunch this weekend, and I did, but it could have been (and has been previously) much worse. I was able to slow the demons and then halt them after a while. Good business. This morning I woke up feeling pretty great, walked the doggies and had eggs with ochra of all things. (It was on sale at Safeway and is actually really good.)
This week I'm going to be pretty strict, especially as I get closer to heading home. I want to be at my best. I'm already feeling and looking really good. Peace y'all.
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