The Bride |
The Shoes |
Day 4, Wedding. We woke up early on Friday to get our nails did with the wedding party. I got a mani-pedi and the ladies were quite aggressive with my nails. Two of my nails suffered cuts, but what is the price of beauty? My nails looked fabulous.
Andrea and I then trekked to the grocery store to pick out snacks while I shivered in the freezing cold 50 degree air. At Arin and Andrea's place I set up to create peacock feather boutonnières for the men in the family and Anna went out to correct our mismanagement of our hotel situation. There was some tears and cursing involved but it all worked out in the end.
Arin and Dad |
Arin and I set the traps for the squirrels that are taking up residence in her attic, and actually caught one! So two hours before her wedding Arin and I covered the live trap with a towel, drove it to the park down the road and set it free in front of a wedding party and a very surprised bus driver. This was a very productive day.

Arin and Andrea took naps, Anna and I left for the hotel to get our dresses on and returned to the house. We got whisked away by somebody's brother and got to the venue to set up and get pretty. It was so much fun! We have almost no pictures from setting up and the wedding. We drank champagne, put on makeup, did our hair and helped Arin into her dress. I helped the photographer set up for some pics of the dress and shoes. Andrea was in a separate room being forced into makeup. It was pretty exciting. When the family showed up I brought Maka, Andrea's nephew up to get his boutonniere and he was really stoked about it. Then I brought Andrew, Alec and Dad up to get theirs. I'm pretty sure the photographer got some good pictures of that too.
Best Wedding Ceremony Ever |
Soon after one of the best wedding ceremonies I've ever witnessed began. Family and friends all moved to the floor in front of the stage. The lights all dimmed and on the balcony the spotlight lit up on Andrea. The Muppets "Somebody's Getting Married" started playing and Arin met Andrea in the spotlight. The photographer ninja rolled out of a doorway behind for a picture of the couple and then they came down to the dance floor. Hugs were given on their way to the stage.
Marge, the officiant gave one of the best speeches I've ever heard and it was obvious that she knew the couple very well. Wedding vows were exchanged and they were also well thought out. I don't cry much at weddings, but I cried at this one. It was pretty beautiful.
When all was said and done, marriage happened and then the dancing ensued. Holy mackerel, there's not too much video of that and it's a crying shame. There was a lot of fist pumping, foot stomping and pointing involved. One of my best nights ever. I laughed so hard I was crying many times that night. We danced until they kicked us out then tried to have an after party at the Foley's place. We attempted to bring it to the next level, but that mostly involved going back to the hotel to sleep.
Day 5, The next morning those of us who stayed in the Microtel snuck over to the Embassy where the others were holed up. We indulged in an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet and then headed back to the venue to help clean up. We packed up Vandalf and another unnamed vehicle, and returned everything then went back to Arin's for a full day of relaxation. Andrew and his girlfriend Emily had to leave, but Alec, Anna, Dad and I decided to stay over one more night, since we were having such a great time and the newlyweds made the mistake of not kicking us out yet.
Indian Orgy on the Sorry Board |
That night we made hot chocolate and sat around the firepit in their backyard. A decision was made to have an epic battle on the Sorry board. With 8 players on one board it becomes Super Sorry, where "
only 7 may enter!!" We played til the wee hours and Alec won.
Day 6, Baby! Elisheva Sarah was born at 6am! We got a text from Angela that she had a baby, although at that time it had yet to be named. (We just called her Betty.) There was some more dancing. We had pancakes and coffee, sat around and tried to catch more squirrels, but in the end we had to face the fact that Andrea was done with us and we had to head back to New York. Into the car we piled after dragging Anna out of the house with us. We left behind the very happy couple who would be headed off to New Orleans in just a few days.
Upon our return home it wasn't great, in that, it sucked pretty bad. We stopped at the supermarked to get ingredients for Kebabs, grilled them up and waited for Mom to get home. She did and mumbled a bit under her breath and then we escaped to bed.
Overall it was totally worth it. What a fantastic weekend. And this was just the first of my expeditions for the vacation! In the next installment of A Wedding, A Baby and a Bonfire, I'll tell you all about my hike to Overlook, some log rolling and then a trip to Boston!