I have finished reading the book “Skinny Bitch” by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin (whoever the hell they are) and here is my complete review.
First, I would like to tell you, that this book is NOT about getting skinny. It is completely misleading in that aspect. The truth of the matter is it is entirely about getting healthy which could lead to being skinny. It’s a cover up! It is designed to appeal to those that just want to get skinny but really its main goal is to make you want to get healthy. In the end the ladies admit this deceit but by then you are already convinced that being healthy is truly important.
So for those that aren’t skinny yet, this may be a good guideline but you will laugh and think they are absolutely insane and probably only be able to pull off half of what they are saying. Half is GREAT and it will make you lose weight. But for those of us that are skinny already, it sucks you in because not only can you be skinny but you can be skinny and healthy at the same time. Skinny does not = healthy and healthy doesn’t always = skinny. But by getting healthy you can in fact become less fat! Lets face it most of America is more concerned with being skinny then healthy which is why this book is a great idea. The cover reads “Skinny Bitch”, you think your going to be a skinny bitch by reading it but in fact you are on your way to being a healthy bitch. Oh, also they do not endorse bitchiness and just used that title to sell books, which worked. Skinny, healthy and smart these ladies are.
Throughout the entire book it talked about “you are what you eat” and then tells you what you are eating this is very gross and makes you think. However, I did eat my beef jerky right after the chapter about animal cruelty and the crap that is in meat.
It talks about giving it up in Chapter 1 (Give it Up) which of course are all the things you don’t want to give up but aren’t good for you and make you feel like shit. It explains the truths about Carbs and low Carb diets which everyone here already knows are BAD, BAD, BAD. “You can eat bread and fruit”! Chapter 3 (Sugar is the Devil) was the hardest chapter for me because not only does it talk about how bad sugar is but also how bad the substitutes are and gives you healthier substitutes such as raw sugar(whatever that is), pure maple syrup, etc.
Then after you are convinced that you can stop eating crap and you can possibly give up sugar because it’s horrible, it goes into the (Dead, Rotting, Decomposing Flesh Diet), which is a long chapter on meat and the meat industry, which most people over look because it’s not in there face. It talks about what’s in it, what it does to you and why you don’t need it EVER.
After they have almost convinced you to stop eating meat they talk about the (Myths and Lies About Protein), (Pooping) and (Have No Faith: Governmental Agencies Don’t Give a Shit about Your Health), (Don’t be a Pussy)….these are all chapters. When they get to boring stuff they for warn you, which is kind of nice of them, after they called you a fat ass throughout the entire book. Have no doubts, this book at times will make you mad especially if you are fat and eat the way they describe and even if your not. They write without sympathy to those overweight and tell you to take control of your life, but they give you ways to do that.
They also give you long lists of what you can and should not eat. They never say can’t because you are your own person and make your own choices. Ultimately they ask you to (Use Your Head) when buying groceries and consuming food. Oh and believe me although there isn’t an entire chapter on exercise they mention it enough for you to pick up on the fact that you don’t get healthy and skinny by being fat and lazy.
Both ladies have ties to the modeling world, one is a former agent for Ford Models, the other is a former model that happens to be pretty darn smart, she has her Masters of Science in Holistic Nutrition and from the way the book reads there was lots of research put into it and gives a great list of recommended reading, websites, cook books and magazines.
This is not a book you read over a month’s time, you sit down and you read and you read and then you realize that you have been reading a long time, or at least it seemed long because I am a slow reader. Its recommended reading if you want to be on the right path to being healthy, which at this point in time I do. I am already skinny and I don’t need to be any skinner but I do need to be healthier. So let’s get skinny and healthy together.